Hollins International Travel Awards
The Hollins International Travel Awards are awarded to study abroad students participating in a Hollins approved study abroad program. Selection is based on academic merit with preference given to students with financial need. The Travel Awards for semester programs provide funds to cover expenses for study abroad not covered by the comprehensive program fees (tuition, room and board). Hence, semester travel award funds can be applied to things such as airfare, passport and visa costs, and other necessary costs for the program. The Travel Awards for faculty-led programs provide funds for the full costs of the program fee, airfare, passport and visa fees and other necessary costs for the program. Costs for extracurricular optional tickets/trips and personal expenses (souvenirs, etc.) are not covered by any travel award.
Applicants must have a GPA minimum of 3.0 at the time of application and must retain a 3.0 minimum GPA by the start of of their abroad program. Preference will be given to those applicants with financial need as establish be the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance (SFA). Note: if you are a domestic student, you must have a current FAFSA on file with SFA in order for them to determine your financial need. Students can contact SFA@hollins.edu to confirm you have a FAFSA on file and/or receipt of your current FAFSA. If you are an international student, SFA works directly with the International Programs office to determine need.
Applications for all Travel Awards are due by March 1.
To apply, see the respective program pages below:
For questions about the Hollins Travel Awards, please reach out to Global Learning Director Ramona Kirsch at kirschrr@hollins.edu.